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L'arte non è una merce

And the cities you see, they never come back
never come back
let’s dismantle our beating hearts
until they come back
then it’s too late, you already know
The hands that gripped so tight are letting go
What is left when all is still and you’re alone?
Deep, deep inside
You recognize your true self getting nearer
Without a mirror
The world you know it really lives inside you
It is no place to live without freedom
Gianluca Bernardo, Claudio Mancini, Davide Garbini, David Celia. 2012/2016

Nella lingua dell’impero,
durante le prime fasi della Terza Guerra Mondiale,
la parola “DerWald” significava “la Foresta”.
Era allora il luogo da sempre esistito,
popolato da alberi e animali.
Dallo spirito del Tempo.
La prima vera barriera che fu incontrata
sulla via della fuga dalla Città.
Là, dove gli uomini correvano impazziti
attorno alla ruota della Storia,
Cominciammo – forse ricominciammo – con lo zaino pieno di parole
utili da scambiare con le persone
che avremmo incontrato.
Dopo la parola “volume” fu messo il numero “1”.
Stava là per tracciare un cammino,
come si fa lungo il sentiero che porta verso la montagna.
Come dei partigiani.
In the language of the Empire,
during the first phases of the World War Three,
the word “DerWald” meant “the Forest”.
At that time it was the place that always existed,
populated by trees and animals,
and by the spirit of Time.
The first, true fence
on the way of escape from the City.
It was where men ran insanely
around the wheel of History,
We started – maybe restarted – with the backpack full of words
useful to be shared with the ones
we would met.
After the word “Volume” was put the number “1”.
It was put there to trace a path,
as it is made along the path that leads to the mountain.
Just like partisans.
Digital partisans.
DerWald & David Celia – Berlino
December 2016
David Celia (vocals)
Marla (backing vocals)
Gianluca Bernardo
Claudio Mancini
Davide Garbini
Web / Foto
Photo: Monte Gorzano – Amatrice (RI), 2014.
Recorded between Rome, Toronto and Berlin (2015/2016)
Mix by Franco Pietropaoli / Ermes Records (Rome)

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